Savings Account Options

Build a strong financial foundation with Advia Savings Accounts. Explore a wide variety of savings options, including High Yield Savings, Holiday Club, HSAs, and more. Discover the perfect checking solution for your needs.

Take advantage of great savings options for every situation.

Regular (Primary) Savings

Our most straightforward account, perfect to save for any long or short-term goals.

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY1

  • $5 minimum balance
  • Pays dividends quarterly on balances of $500+
  • Optional overdraft for Checking
  • Plus even more great benefits!

Advantage Plus High Yield Savings

Elevate your savings to another level. Earn big returns when you meet Advantage Plus Rewards status.

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY2
with Advantage Plus Rewards

  • $10,000 minimum balance to earn dividends
  • Interest paid monthly
  • Unlimited withdrawals and deposits
  • Plus even more great benefits!

Ultimate Savings

Open an Ultimate Savings account and upgrade your investment today. Ultimate Savings for ultimate returns!

Earn up to

3.00% Promo APY3

Health Savings Account

Save toward future medical expenses tax-free with a Health Savings Account (HSA).

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY1

Holiday Club Savings

Save year-round for those once-a-year holiday expenses.

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY1

Secondary Savings

Save for multiple financial goals with multiple savings accounts.

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY1

Money Market Savings

Maximize the return on your savings.

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY4

  • $2,000 minimum balance to earn dividends
  • Interest paid monthly
  • Progressive rates
  • Plus even more great benefits!

UTMA Savings

Our UTMA (Uniform Transfer to Minors Act) account helps save for a minor's education while earning a great rate.

Earn up to

{{RatePlaceHolder}} APY1

  • Earns quarterly dividends on balances of $5.00 or more1
  • Save for education expenses
  • No limit to number or amount of financial contributions2

Non-Interest Savings

We'll help you save for the future without earning interest.

You Get


  • No minimum balance
  • No interest earned on your balance
  • 24/7 access within Digital Banking

Estimate the impact of saving more.

Looking to save more money for your rainy day fund?

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Fees may reduce earnings on account. See Disclosures page to review service charges that may apply.

  1. Annual Percentage Yield.
  2. APY of 3.50% to be paid on balances in Advantage Plus High Yield Savings when account activity meets qualifications as Advantage Plus and daily balance is $10,000 or above. Account activity that does not meet Advantage Plus qualifications will earn an APY of 0.50%. A minimum $10,000 daily balance is required to earn dividends. No minimum balance to open. Rates subject to change at any time. See Advantage Plus Rewards page for qualifications.
  3. 3 Promotional Annual Percentage Yield locked in at time of account opening; available on new Ultimate Savings Accounts for first ten statement cycles only; no minimum opening balance, no minimum balance required to earn dividends during the promotional period. After the promotional period, a minimum $500 daily balance is required to earn dividends; the standard tiered rates will apply: $0-$499=0.00% APY, $500-$99,999=0.35% APY; $100,000-$249,999=0.70% APY; $250,000+=1.00% APY. No additional Advantage Plus Rewards rate incentives may be applied. Annual Percentage Yield is accurate as of March 1, 2025, and subject to change at any time.
  4. A minimum $2,000 daily balance is required to earn dividends. The following tiered rates will apply: $2,000-$24,999 = 0.40% APY; $25,000-$74,999 = 0.50% APY; $75,000+ = 0.60% APY.

Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 01/30/2025. All offers and rates subject to change at anytime.