Loan Payment Options
Quick, Easy Options to Make Your Next Loan Payment
Automatic Payments
In Digital Banking, simply select Transfers & Payments > Pay My Advia Loans to set up one-time or recurring payments.
Remote Deposit Anywhere
Take a picture of your check with the 'Deposit a Check' feature in Digital Banking (then transfer available funds to make your payment).
External Transfers
Using our External Transfers tool, link outside accounts to your Advia account to make loan payments.
Express Pay
Make a payment from another bank or credit union, from your debit card, or Pay by Text. Schedule recurring payments free of charge. One-time payments subject to $10 convenience fee.
When making electronic payments from another financial institution, you’ll need the following:
Your Loan Account Number (MICR)
In Digital Banking, 13-Digit number below your outstanding balance
Advia’s Routing Number
Other Payment Options
Call 844.238.4228 to make a payment over the phone (subject to a $15 service charge). Or mail your payment, being sure to reference your Loan Account Number (MICR). Mail to: 6400 West Main St., Kalamazoo, MI 49009.