Savings Account Rates

View your current Savings Account rates.

Enter your zip code to see specific rates by region.
Account Type APY* Advantage Plus Rewards APY**
Primary Savings (Share)
0.05% -

Advantage Plus High Yield Savings ($10,000 and above)**

0.50% 3.50%
Special Purpose Savings
0.05% -
Health Savings Account (HSA)
2.00% -
Holiday Club Savings
0.20% -
IRA Share Savings
0.40% -
UTMA (Uniform Transfer to Minors Act)
0.15% -
Money Market Savings ($75,000 and above)***
0.60% -
Money Market Savings ($25,000 - $74,999)***
0.50% -
Money Market Savings ($2,000 - $24,999)***
0.40% -

Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 03/01/2025.

* Annual Percentage Yield.
** Annual Percentage Yield of 3.50% to be paid on balances in Advantage Plus High Yield Savings when account activity meets qualifications as Advantage Plus and daily balance is $10,000 or above. Account activity that does not meet Advantage Plus qualifications will earn an Annual Percentage Yield of 0.50%. A minimum $10,000 daily balance is required to earn dividends. No minimum balance to open. Rates subject to change at any time. See Advantage Plus Rewards page for qualifications.
*** A minimum $2,000 daily balance is required to earn dividends. The following tiered rates will apply: $2,000-$24,999 = 0.40% APY; $25,000-$74,999 = 0.50% APY; $75,000+ = 0.60% APY. Rates subject to change at any time.